#RainbowSnippets: Quartz and Prunella

Welcome to Rainbow Snippets!

Every Saturday, those participating post and share six sentences of LGBTQIA+ fiction on their blogs. It can be their own’s. It can be someone else’s. It just needs to be LGBTQIA+.

To read a wide variety of samples from LGBTQIA+ fiction, go to…


For mine, Quartz shall be picking up right where he left off last Saturday…


“Conflict and destiny tend to be wedded to each other.” They fixed a yellow golden eye upon me. “Tell me, Quartz, why did you accompany Nimmie Not here if you desire a quiet life?”

I was about to say, “I owe him” when I realized I didn’t. We’d done a trade, even if it had involved trickery on my part. I didn’t owe the annoying little man anything.

Why was I here?

14 thoughts on “#RainbowSnippets: Quartz and Prunella

    1. Prunella isn’t exactly an antagonist…they’re just a bit annoyed at Nimmie Not dragging his latest toy into their lair…uninvited. Sort of. (wry grin)

      Quartz: I know what you mean…yes. (tries not to cough)



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