#QueerBlogWed: Paula’s Prompts

On June 10, 2023, P.T. Wyant posted at ptwyant.com a Wednesday Words prompt involving a brush fire, a battlefield, and a stray cat.

This poem was the result…

The brushfire makes the hill look like a battlefield

Tongues of flame flash, fighting each other

No shelter for a stray cat remains

Every tree and bush has been consumed

A sacrifice to the fire, growing

Enveloping house, home, and shop

Smoke rises to obscure the sky

Choking the breath of any daring to taste it

Tempted by the long grass, the lack of rain

The fire races, chasing the cat

The cat streaks toward clear air and the moon

A flight to get ahead of smoke and flame

A warning sentinel of the danger behind

Pursuing fur and flight to dryer lands

Parched of water, just waiting for the flame

A sacrifice of earth and wood to hungry tongues

The cat will not wait for the flames to catch her

She’s survived coyote, hill, and hunger

Much as she fears the flames, she stays ahead

Fleeing an oasis of hope with a barrier of humans

To keep the peril at bay with their tools

To protect the safe spaces under the stars

To find somewhere far away from the flames

A spot where she can rest her paws and sleep at last. 

Secondary Characters Speak Out: Quartz and Opal

Opal stands on the threshold of his doorway, gazing out at the waiting darkness, a night which rustles and whispers ruddy nonsense to those fool enough to listen. 

Like his brothers, hoping for what they should have the sense not to wish for. 

As if summoned by the thought, Quartz stands beside him. 

Opal: Something is coming.

Quartz: Fairest is about to be reborn in more ways than one. Reminding everyone that I’m dead. Which I’m not. 

Opal: Don’t give me that. (He refuses to run and look at him.) You’re just a ghost that won’t shut up. Or some ruddy fragment of my imagination. 

Quartz: Right. As if you’ve ever had anything to do with imagination.

Opal: Just because I haven’t your taste for moon-addled nonsense doesn’t mean I haven’t got imagination. 

The full moon sails bright overhead, illuminating their faces and the forest below. 

Quartz: Think the sky just mocked you.

Opal: Right. Go ahead and talk to the moon the way you talk to rocks. 

Quartz: I don’t talk to rocks. I listen to them. 

Opal: Right. To the stones’s song. As if.

Quartz: Just because you never bother to listen to them doesn’t mean they’re silent. 

Opal: Or you’re just pebble-brained.

Quartz: How can I be pebble-brained if I’m dead, eh?

Opal: Already said you’re a ghost that won’t shut up. Or way or another. 

Quartz: Right. You and all our brothers are just imagining me. 

Opal: Or you’re haunting us. Petty way to treat your family, Quartz. 

Quartz: Might say the same thing. 

Opal: Maybe we all just wish you really were here. 

Quartz: Maybe I really am here. 

Opal: Nothing is real in the Cauldron. Just ask your boy.

Quartz: Christopher is not my boy. Opal, look at me. 

Opal shuts his eyes, refusing to look.

Quartz: Why are you being so ruddy stubborn about this?

Opal: Can’t let myself hope. Hope only lets you down. 

Quartz: Since when?

Opal: Since it gave us a home and took you. 

Quartz: You’re not confusing hope with kobolds are you?

Something sounds like an affronted sniff in the air or perhaps it’s only the breeze. Opal takes no notice. 

Opal: You were my hope, Quartz. You were our hope and you left us. 

Quartz: I didn’t mean to. 

Opal: Can’t wait for you to come back. Got to move on.

Quartz: Right. Are you moving on?

Opal says nothing. 

Quartz: I might surprise you, little brother. Hope has a way of doing that. 

Quartz fades away. 

Opal doesn’t even to turn to watch him disappear.

Opal: Right. Always so ruddy right. Even when you’re wrong. We need more than words, Quartz.

The darkness outside doesn’t answer. 

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#RainbowSnippets: Fairest

Welcome to Rainbow Snippets!

Every Saturday or Sunday those participating post and share six sentences of LGBTQIA+ fiction on their blogs. It can be their own. It can be someone else’s. It just needs to be LGBTQIA+.

To sample different LGBTQIA+ stories, go to…


For my own, Fairest, my ff fairytale is being reborn as a novel! Here’s a taste of the story to come…

Every spindle my father could find, he burned. My childhood had been filled with constant bonfires which I didn’t understand.

“This is all to save you,” my mother had whispered. “Not that fire is enough to stop a curse. We need a spell strong enough to remove it.”

“What sort of a spell?” I’d asked, curious about magic, about its power to change someone’s life. I was cursed because of it, yet people were shy to speak about spells. 

Like what you’re reading? Want to read more? Here are buy links!

Nine Star Press: https://ninestarpress.com/product/fairest/

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/fairest-19

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1483368

#QueerBlogWed: Poetry

On May 24, 2023, P.T. Wyant posted at ptwyant.com a Wednesday Words prompt involving sand, a musical instrument, and an empty room.

This poem was the result…

Something about the sand

Grit in my shoes

Reminds me of the screech of the violin

In untutored eager hands

So loud in an empty room

So different from what it’s supposed to sound like

We sound like a bunch of dying cows

A friend laughed at our cacophany

Yes, somehow it was audio grit

Dirt, clinging to our ears and hands

Unshaped, unschooled into beauty

A raw ugly expression of strings

It doesn’t belong, it has no place

It gets inside, scraping against the foot

Scraping against the ears

A mocking caw about my cowardice

Quitting before I could coax beauty forth

Putting so little effort into what I’ve been given

Too often I miss the potential in sand

Letting it slip through my fingers unused. 

Conversations with Christopher: Ashleigh

Juno gazes at her husband, frozen by her own intensity. Jupitre slumps in his chair, equally unable to move. 

Love poisoned by resentement, mingled with hatred and an overpowering need fills the air. Christopher is almost choking on it, backing up a step. 

How he longs to dissolve, to disappear into the mist, but the feelings swim around him, keeping him solid, trapped. 

He becomes aware of another presence in the room. Hebe stands a distance from her parents, beckoning him. 

Hebe: Come. 

Her word has enough power and clarity to free him, allowing him to move. 

Neither Juno nor Jupitre seem aware of his movement. Their attention remains locked upon each other. It’s as if they’ve become like the bridegrooms in the Gardens of Arachne, locked in stone, but they’re not statues. They’re still flesh and blood, gazing at each other. 

Perhaps it’s a different kind of eternity than what the statues have, unless the statues have secrets they can never express. Not unless they escape. 

It’s a terrifying thought. Christopher tries not to shiver as he follows Hebe down a hall to a door. 

Hebe: Come.

She opens the door. The light is blinding, overwhelming. 

Christopher raises his hands to shield his face, his eyes. 

Hebe: (he cannot see her and he can still hear her voice) Come.

He steps forward into that light, feeling it burn his skin, his face, but it’s only for a moment. 

He opens his eyes to the blessed darkness of the Shadow Forest. The only illumination is the pebbles beneath his feet, forming a path. It gives off enough radiance to show the woman before him. 

She’s no longer Hebe. She’s a tall woman with silvery-golden hair wrapped in a messy braid which falls down the back of her grayish-white shift. She looks at him with violet-blue eyes, very like Danyel and Tayel’s, only hers aren’t too big for her face. 

Christopher: Ashleigh. 

Ashleigh: Yes. That’s better, isn’t it? Better the soothing shadows than the burning light. Better to be Ashleigh than Hebe. 

Christopher: Better to open Doors than carry cups?

Ashleigh: So much better. I thought I was done with Hebe, but I just can’t leave her. 

Christopher: She was once you.

Ashleigh: Yes. She wanted so badly to be me. You made her wish come true. Thank you, Happily Ever After. Thank you for my existence.

Christopher: You’re welcome. Are you enjoying being Ashleigh?

Ashleigh: Not always, but I doubt anyone constantly enjoys an existence. There’s always pain, frustration, mistakes, but yes, there is also joy. 

Christopher: What frustrates you?

Ashleigh: You. I’m somehow still connected to you, in spite of having a family of my own as Ashleigh. 

Christopher: You keep leaving that family. 

Ashleigh: Now you sound like them. I’m not sure if Map needs me any more. I’m not sure if my so-called sons ever did. 

Christopher: Have you given Leiwell, Danyel and Tayel a chance to need you?

Ashleigh: Fair point. Considering how the twins came into being, I wonder if I’m not more like their father while you’re more like their mother.

Christopher: If you say so. I’m not sure if I feel like their mother.

Ashleigh: Would you even know what that feels like?

Christopher: Would you?

Ashleigh: Another fair point. Map has been more their mother than either of us. 

Christopher: Do you resent that?

Ashleigh: No. It’s not easy, raising creatures like us. 

Christopher: I’m not sure it’s easy to raise anyone. 

Ashleigh: And yet another fair point. Did you really want to return to the shadows, Christopher? You could have gone back to your mother at the Navel. You could have stayed in Omphalos. 

Mist creeps up out of the shadows, rising beneath his feet, but hovering there, waiting for his answer. 

Christopher: People need someone to talk to, Ashleigh. Maybe it’s a role the scribbler has given me, but I’ve accepted it. 

The mist starts to crawl up his legs in response. 

Ashleigh: Just don’t forget to take time for yourself when you’re talking to all those other characters. Don’t forget to be yourself.

Christopher: I will.

The mist rises to the level of his chest, swallowing him entirely. It disappears, taking him with it. 

Ashleigh stands alone upon the pebbled path. 

Ashleigh: You say that, but you keep leaving the path. Everyone loses themselves when they leave the path. 

She grins, slaps her own forehead, and chuckles.

Ashleigh: What am I saying? Do I even believe in everyone? Individuality will always triumph, even over a path!

She whistles, starts striding down the path in question into whatever lays ahead. 

#RainbowSnippets: Stealing Myself From Shadows

Welcome to Rainbow Snippets!

Every Saturday or Sunday those participating post and share six sentences of LGBTQIA+ fiction on their blogs. It can be their own. It can be someone else’s. It just needs to be LGBTQIA+.

To sample different LGBTQIA+ stories, go to…


This will be my last bit of Stealing Myself From Shadows for a while before I start sharing from some of my holiday stories or Fairest (once I have buy links to the latter), but Christopher and the Navel will be back…he’s often here on Mondays, even if he’s visiting someone else’s universe. 😉

In the meantime Gabrielle will have the last word…it is, after all, her shop where this battle of wills between Damian and Duessa has been vibrating within…

 “You shouldn’t play such games in the Navel, Duessa.” For the first time, Gabrielle allowed a note of menace to enter her voice. “I promised your nephew sanctuary from you. I should have stepped in…except he’d never forgive me if I’d interrupted this little exchange.” She gazed up at the ceiling and rolled her eyes. “Ashelockes.”

Like my style of writing? Check out my published works!


#QueerBlogWed: Poems

On May 10, 2023, P.T. Wyant posted at ptwyant.com a Wednesday Words prompt: ‘something fell beneath the bookshelves.’

This poem was the result…

I heard the crash of something falling

Right behind the book shelves

I can hear it rattling about

A mystery, something I’d forgotten

I’m only too aware that it’s there

Only I cannot reach it

The space it’s trapped in is too small

The shelves are too heavy to move

Even if I took all my books down

I wouldn’t be able to tug it free

I have to leave it where it is

Nagging at my senses, unable to forget

Sensing it lurking behind my bookshelves

So close, yet unseen

Somehow watching me

It’s just an inanimate object

It must be an inanimate object

Why am I so aware of its presence?

Breathing even though it has no breathe

Unwelcome intruder amongst the books

Right there waiting whenever I stretch out my hand

As if it would bite me if I took a book. 

Conversations with Christopher: Jupitre and Juno

Hebe walks down the street of Omphalos, finding her footing upon the cobblestones. 

Christopher follows her, squinting in the sunlight. Every stumble, every squint makes him feel a little more real. 

Hebe: (glancing over her shoulder) You’re still here.

Christopher: (wincing) I’m not sure why. 

Oh, the temptation to let go, to drift, but there’s no escape from the sunlight. He’s solid and here, unable to do anything but walk.

Hebe: Well, well, I’ve got you. Or someone else does. 

Christopher: Does someone else need to speak to me?

Hebe: Let’s find out.

She stops to turn up a rose-lined path to a small cottage along the road. Vines wrap themselves around its roof and walls. A lemon tree grew in front of a window, watching the way to the cottage door. Spider webs clung to its branches, glistening in the harsh light. 

Hebe walks straight up the path, paying the spiders no mind. She opens the door into the dimmer, softer light of the cottage interior, the light of a burning hearth. 

Christopher follows her inside, wondering if he needs an invitation. Perhaps an open door is enough.

A bent old man with a graying beard sits in a comfortable chair with velvet cushions next to a fire, scowling at it. 

Christopher: (recognizing the man, unable to be sure when and where he met him) Jupitre?

Hebe: My father never leaves.

The old man turns his scowl in their direction. 

Jupitre: Where have you been, girl?

Hebe: The Navel.

Jupitre: What kind of an answer is that?

Christopher: A weird one. The Navel is a shop which claims to be the center of all things bizarre, but it’s there for customers who need it. 

Jupitre: (glowering at him) Who are you?

Hebe: This is Christopher. Gabrielle’s son. I’ve mentioned Gabrielle.

Jupitre: You think I bothered to remember her or any other so-called Heavenly Direction? I once ruled the heavens. I was the greatest of all the gods!

Hebe: Well, I never was the greatest of all gods or anything else for that matter. I don’t mind a little heavenly direction. Not that I’ve ever gone to the Navel lookig for it.

Jupitre: Pah. (He makes a spitting noise.) Lost her power, did she? Serves her right. 

Christopher: What do you mean?

Hebe: Don’t get him started.

Jupitre: Shut up, girl. Heavenly Directions think they’re the only divinity that matter. They told my worshippers I was nothing but a bully and a pervert. By offering me sacrifices, they were only encouraging me. 

Hebe: They got that right!

Jupitre: What do you know of right, girl? I did right by the women I took, siring heroes upon them. I even made the boy I took immortal. I bluster, I storm, but I give my worshippers something far more solid than direction. Did they appreciate it? No.

Christopher: What happened?

Hebe: (groaning) Here we go again. (She walks out of the room, disappear through an archway.)

Jupitre: (slumping into a sulky posture) They stopped worshipping me. Stopped making sacrifices in my name. Stopped praying to me. Eventually they stopped believing in me. Eventually they forgot me, leaving nothing but this. (He raises leather-spotted hands.)

Christopher: You are the measure of your worshippers or perhaps your worship?

Jupitre: Don’t talk nonsense. You dare to suggest that it’s the fickle, shallow nature of those who sacrificed me which make me who and what I am? That’s I’m no better than the mortals who worship me?!

Christopher: What do you think?

Jupitre: I was the greatest of all gods! I commanded the lightning and the thunder. Now it thunders without me!

Christopher: Maybe the storms stopped believing in you as well or somehow freed themselves from you?

Jupitre: How could they do such a thing? My true form was a lightning bolt! Why, I struck down my woman with it when she demanded that I reveal it to her. It was all Juno’s fault. 

Juno appears from another roof in a gauzing gown, carrying a tea tray. 

Juno: That’s what you get for playing around, dear. Hello, Christopher.

Christopher: Hello, Juno. 

Jupitre: Confound it, woman. I’m a man among man, the man, a god among gods. Playing around is my nature. 

Juno: Sometimes nature needs a firm hand, dear. (She sets down the tray in front of him, pours Jupitre a cup.) I’m sorry I don’t have any tea for you, Christopher, dear. 

Christopher: Quite all right. I seldom drink or eat.

Jupitre: Everyone eats or drinks. One thing or another.

Christopher: That’s true. For me, it’s seldom food.

Jupitre: Heh, just a shadow of your former self, eh? Feeding on the words and feelings of others?

Christopher: Something like that.

Juno: Don’t you worry, dear. I’m not eating or drinking anything either. This tea is for Jupitre.

Christopher: The same tea you get at the Navel.

Juno: That’s right, dear. (She beams at him.) Now you drink it, love.

Jupitre: (glowering at Juno) Woman, you don’t command me. I will not drink where I’m bade to do so. 

Juno: (smiling sweetly at Jupitre) Of course not, dear. You can sit here and stew, tormented by all the things you no longer are if you wish. Or you can drink your tea, enjoying a state of relaxation you seldom allow yourself to.

Jupitre: (mutters under his breath and picks up the cup) I took her, you know. (He takes a swallow.) My own twin. After I pulled her from our father’s belly.

Juno: (smile crumpling around the edges as her gray eyes harden, turning frosty) That was a long time ago, dear. I’m your wife now.

Jupitre: You might never have been if I hadn’t changed things. If I hadn’t come to you as a wounded bird. I could have rained lightning down upon the temple you were in. Demanded that you give yourself to me, but I didn’t. 

Juno: I suppose you see that as a weakness, dear. The desire to cradle something wounded to my bosom rather than crush it. 

Jupitre: How different things would have been if you’d crushed me! You could have ruled the heavens!

Juno: The heavens aren’t the same without you at my side, dear.

Jupitre: You might have been the mistress of the earth and all other goddesses. 

Juno: I’ve never craved such domination the way you did, dear. 

Jupitre: Ever think about what might have happened? If you hadn’t cradled that wounded bird to your breast?

Juno: Drink the rest of your tea, Jupitre. 

Jupitre: (winking at Christopher) She hates me, pretty one, yet she loves me with all her heart. She would be nothing without me.

Juno: As you would be nothing without me. We became the married couple who set the tone for many a married couple.

Jupitre: You became the patron deity of marriage. Why?

Juno: You made me happy, even though you made me miserable. Marriage has tamed you, dear, even if you’re too proud to admit it. It’s made you think twice about many things. It’s made me accomplish things I might never have tried, If I hadn’t accepted it.

Jupitre: I was never faithful to you and you alone the way you wished me to. (His eyes become blurry.) I never will be.

Juno: (patting his cheek) And I’ll see to it you suffer for it, dear. If not you, whatever trollop I catch you with.

Jupitre: Wench. (His eyes close, his lips soften into a smile.) What would I do without you?

Juno: (gazing at him in tender possessiveness) You never have to worry about that, dear. 

#RainbowSnippets: Stealing Myself From Shadows

Welcome to Rainbow Snippets!

Every Saturday or Sunday those participating post and share six sentences of LGBTQIA+ fiction on their blogs. It can be their own. It can be someone else’s. It just needs to be LGBTQIA+.

To sample different LGBTQIA+ stories, go to…


Mine will be a little bigger than seven sentences, seeing as Duessa and Damian are both unwilling to back down in Stealing Myself From Shadows (stubborn characters, forgive me)…

   The Lady Ashelocke loomed over us with her many arms and eyes. She pushed her will against the frail, defiant males who dared to defy her. For that’s what we were to her, tender morsels who’d developed attitudes. 

     Only Damian wasn’t frail or delicate. He stood in the face of his aunt’s menacing fury, allowing it to slam into the rock of his determination. 

     I could feel her anger beating furiously against his resolve, weakening, lapping against it, like waves losing their strength. 

     Yes, Damian Ashelocke was a rock or perhaps a tower. His aunt’s fury tested his foundations, striking at him again and again. He stood, undefeated. 

     The anger calmed, the lapping growing still along with the air in the cool shadows of the Navel.

Like my style of writing? Check out the buy links to my other published works!


#QueerBlogWed: Poems

On May 3, 2023, P.T. Wyant posted at ptwyant.com a Wednesday Words prompt involving tug of war, a stick, and time.

This poem was the result…

Caught in our game of tug of war

Pulling time from each other

Moment by moment

Enticing each moment

Tempting you with a taste of carrot

Keeping you at bay with a stick

You and I need each other

We cannot bear to get too close

We waste each other’s precious seconds

Savoring the value we have stolen

Unwilling to drop each side of the rope

Not ready to actually poke with our sticks

Far better to use sticks than swords

In a conflict generating eternal stress

We understand the strain we’re under

We’re coming to understand each other

Yet we cannot help but pull

One eye constantly on the stick

As we draw far too close

Reaching the dangerous middle ground.