#QueerBlogWed: Wildflowers and a Broken Hinge

On October 25, 2023, P.T. Wyant posted at ptwyant.com a Wednesday Words prompt involving a broken hinge, wildflowers, and two months.

This poem was the result…

It’s been two months

Perhaps longer than that

Wildflowers grow around the broken hinge

Where it was dumped upon the ground

A piece of a shattered door

Once shut and locked

Busted from the efforts to escape

When it was a barrier to freedom

Trapping the inhabitant within

Someone not meant to be caged

The strength of their desire to flee

Exceeded the solid wood in the way

Let alone the poor hinge

It wasn’t the hinge’s fault

It was simply part of a door

A door others shut and locked

Leaving the prisoner to their fate

The only part their captors left was the door

All the captive had left to blame

All they could batter themselves against

They were the one in the way

They were the one broken

In a desperate attempt at flight

An angry assault upon an obstacle

They scattered wildflowers in their wake

Even if the flowers took a while to grow

Allowing new life to thrive

In the aftermath of angry destruction. 

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