#QueerBlogWed: No Use Snapping Over Spilled Food

On August 2, 2024, P.T. Wyant posted at ptwyant.com a Wednesday Word prompt involving spilled food, a rubber stamp, and paper.

This freebie story for my Work in Progress The Players Are the Thing was the result…

Tomato sauce spilled off Mona’s paper plate, splashing in lurid crimson across the intricate purple design of Beatrix’s rubber stamp. 

Beatrix narrowed her eyes, raising a fist in which she clenched her purple die, the die which she’d done considerable character damage with. “Mona.”

“Sorry, ‘Trix!” Mona said around a mouthful of pizza, gazing at the stain with wide brown eyes. “I’m such a klutz, but it’s just a piece of paper.”

“It’s not just a piece of paper.” Beatrix closed her eyes and breathed, nostrils flaring. “It’s a character sheet. One of my best designs.”

“Yeah, but it’s a rubber stamp. You can always, just stamp another piece of paper.” Mona shrugged, sat down with her pizza, far too close to Rhane. 

Rhane winced a bit, tried to scoot as far away as possible. Mona could be careless of personal space and personal possessions. 

“It may have just been a stamp, but we did work a lot on the design of this particular sheet.” She kept her voice soft, hoping it would placate both Beatrix and Mona. 

“I don’t need you to explain my actions,” Beatrix snapped, glowering at Rhane. 

Rhane flinched a bit at her words. 

“Hey, take it easy on Rhane!” Mona frowned, glancing from Beatrix to Rhane. “She was defending you.”

“I don’t need defending either,” Beatrix growled. “Not from you.”

Mona winced at a bit at this. “No need to put it like that.”

“Why not? You’re like a puppy dog, Mona.” Beatrix rose from her seat. Somehow her shadow seemed to spread as she clenched her fist to her chest. “Every time I kick you, you come back, begging for more.”

“Beatrix, stop it.” Amberwyne rose within Rhane even as Rhane rose from her seat, facing her lover with a courage she normally didn’t have. “You’re being a jerk.”

“I’m being a jerk?” Beatrix’s eyes seemed to darken, emiting a purple light. “After all I’ve done for you, planning these games, rearranging your schedule, and putting up with your constant whining, you accuse me of being a jerk?”

“Yes.” Rhane stood her ground, feeling Amberwyne support her. “If our feelings mean anything to you, stop it.”

Beatrix closed her eyes, raising her hands to massage her own temples. Her shoulders slumped. “I have a headache.”

She rose from where she stood, dark skirts swaying around her, and stalked out of the room. 

“Um, does this mean we’re not gaming?” Mona twitched and poked at the damaged character sheet as if it was a dead thing. 

Rhane swallowed, feeling her heart race. She hated fighting. She hated confrontations, yet she’d stood up to Beatrix. “Give her time.”

Mona nodded, giving Rhane a sideways glance. “Would you like to get out of here?”

“It might be a good idea.” Fresh air seemed like a wonderful idea. Going somewhere Beatrix wasn’t sounded even better. “I’m sorry, Mona.”

“You’ve got nothing to apologize for.” Mona shook her head, dark hair swaying over her t-shirt. “Let’s go.”

She tried to sit up, swaying a bit as if she was off balance.

Rhane offered her a hand.

Mona stared at it for a moment before taking it. 

Standing up to Beatrix took a lot of courage for both of them. Hopefully they’d be able to talk this out, given a little time and space. 

Hopefully Beatrix was just short-tempered because she was in a bad mood. 

Hopefully. Rhane forget that purple glint in her eyes, a purple glint very like what Amberwyne saw in Fidessa’s. 

Honestly, she was taking this game way too seriously, associating Beatrix with her villain, even if that villain was Beatrix’s creation. 

One of the things that made this roleplaying game special was because everyone was very intense about it. Maybe they were getting too intense, including Beatrix. 

Rhane helped Mona to her feet, offered a reassuring smile as the two of them walked to the door. 

She didn’t mind feeling like she was channeling some of Amber’s strength. She could use it, especially if Beatrix was going to continue to be cross.

Rhane felt her eyes drawn to the purple dice lying nearby the ruined piece of paper. 

She wasn’t sure why. 

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