Saturday Snippet

Welcome to #RainbowSnippets, where six sentences of GLBT fiction are shared on Saturday! They can be your own. They can be someone else’s. They just need to be GLBT. To sample a wide variety of GLBT fiction, check them out!

My own is from my recently submitted ‘Seven Tricks’, a Christmas tale inspired by ‘The Nutcracker’. It’s a much more mouse sympathetic spin on ‘The Nutcracker’, with elements inspired by A. T. A. Hoffman’s tale, ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’.

“Do you wish to understand the speech of humans?” Madam Mousenip chittered in my ear. “’Tis a strange chatter, but it can be useful.”

“You can speak to these giants?” I asked, awed and a little afraid. “What does a mouse possibly have to say to a human?”

“Less than you can imagine and far more than you’d ever want to hear,” she said a little dryly. “However, if you listen, you can discover when they’re leaving, where they’re storing food, and plan accordingly.”

14 thoughts on “Saturday Snippet

  1. Thank you! It was curious how the idea bloomed in my head, as I was reading the original premise of the mouse bite giving someone an ugly face. Suddenly, Mousetrick was squeaking with outrage in my head, “What do you mean, an ugly face?! He’s beautiful! Just look at the jaw!” From this, my story grew. 🙂


    1. Thank you! It means a lot hearing that, since this story was rejected, when I submitted it for the first time. 😦 However, I haven’t given up. I submitted it to another publisher, so here’s hoping it does better the second time! (fingers crossed)


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