#RainbowSnippets: At Her Service

Welcome to Rainbow Snippets!

Every Saturday or Sunday those participating post and share six sentences of LGBTQIA+ fiction on their blogs. It can be their own. It can be someone else’s. It just needs to be LGBTQIA+.

To read a variety of samples from various LGBTQIA+ stories, go to…

For mine, I’m going to continue where I left off last week in my expanded version of At Her Service…this is a little longer than six sentences, forgive me…

“I noticed,” the lady said through gritted teeth. “This chateaux once belonged to my ancestors. They kept detailed records of this estate.”

“Oh, so that’s what happened to the records.” Father reached out to bat his wife’s hand. “I know what fine ladies used to run this estate, dear, and that your ancestor, what was her name?”

“Ariella,” the lady said in a carefully controlled voice. “Her name was Ariella, the same as mine and my daughter’s. The same as your daughter’s…dear.”

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