#RainbowSnippets: My Tool, My Treasure

Welcome to Rainbow Snippets!

Every Saturday, those participating post and share six sentences of LGBTQIA+ fiction on their blogs. It can be their own. It can be someone else’s. It just needs to be LGBTQIA+

To read a wide variety of samples from LGBTQIA+ fiction, go here…


Right now, I’m having a really hard time concentrating on my NaNoWriMo project. Real life is terrifying right now. My state is burning and I’m worried sick about my loved ones who are already having trouble breathing because of the smoke. Plus I’ve gotten three rejections this month…I’m impressed by my colleagues who manage to keep going, maintaining a professional attitude, increasing their word counts…or even reaching their goals! I haven’t even hit the halfway point. (wry grin)

Christopher: (nudging me) You are making progress, though, even if it’s slow going.

Quartz: Don’t borrow trouble, scribbler. Just keep going and do what you can do.

Thank you…I’ll do my best.  Here’s a little more right where I left off last week…


Such realistic details. Yes, creatures born in the Shadow Forest could mimick real humans only too perfectly.

Silver trim lined billowing sleeves, open, exposing his sinewy arms. Perhaps Gryluxx had made these robes for Dyvian. Or had he given the task to Meggie?

Where were they, the haughty tailor and his sleepy wife?



8 thoughts on “#RainbowSnippets: My Tool, My Treasure

  1. You’re very gifted. Keep submitting (which is more than I do. Heh…) You can do this! As for your family and the fires, I wish you all the best and hope we see a turning point. ~hugs~ Take care, my dear.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you! (hugs) A lot of these submission calls I only know about because Dale Lowry shared them on their private Facebook group dedicated to all things professional in regards to writing. Would you be interested in joining? Dale keeps a weather eye out for LGBTQ opportunities for publication and has included several MM erotica calls. Let me know if you’d like me to invite you!

      Also…thank you for your good wishes. (hugs) My mom is having a bad reaction to the smoke, so we’re all praying for rain (wry grin)


  2. Aww, thank you! Gryluxx and Meggie first appeared in A Godling for Your Thoughts? Danyel and Tayel worked for them and learned to hate Gryluxx, although they liked Meggie…who’s a compulsive eater with a very sweet tooth. Her older sister, Maggie is the local tavern keeper, as well as all the energy…and temper in the family. She’s one of Melyssa Ashelocke’s best friends and perhaps more, although she’s also very appreciative of Leiwell’s charms.


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