#RainbowSnippets: A Symposium in Space

Welcome to Rainbow Snippets!

Every Saturday, those participating post and share six sentences of LGBTQIA+ fiction on their blogs. It can be their own. It can be someone else’s. It just has to be LGBTQIA+.

To read a wide variety of samples from LGBTQIA+ stories, go to…


Today I’m going to share a snippet from my upcoming release with Nine Star Press, or perhaps I should say the rebirth of a short story as a novella?

This is a snippet from the extended version of my f/f futuristic story inspired by Plato’s classic, A Symposium in Space: A Feast of Words…


The invitation resembled an eyeball.

A floating, pink orb drifted up to the open panels of Pausania’s apartment. It fixed me with its lidless stare.

I froze, unsure how to react. An unfashionable citizen of the Intergalactic Democracy, I still ran around in a vest with pocket protectors, unfamilar with the latest technology. The bobbing globe made me think of tales of magic from Ancient Earth.


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