Unwilling to Be Yours

Welcome to Rainbow Snippets! Every Saturday, six sentences of GLBTQ+ fiction are posted and shared. They can be your own. They can be someone else’s. They just need to be GLBTQ+.

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Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, I post a fragment of a prelude to Stealing Myself From Shadows, the first book in my Tales of the Navel/The Shadow Forest.

The first prelude was Waiting to Be Yours, written from Christopher’s perspective. How he found Damian and lost him.

The second prelude is Unwilling to Be Yours, which introduces a new character, Peter. It’s told from his perspective, revealing a very different Christopher. A much grumpier Christopher. A Christopher trying to wait for Damian, to carry on without Damian. He doesn’t like it one bit.

Picking up right where he left off on Wednesday, Peter continues with Unwilling to Be Yours.

“Yes, you’ve come to the right place.” The boy dropped his gaze down to his feet, as if he couldn’t bear to look at my face. “I’m sorry. I’m still getting used to that job opening myself.”

I studied the shadows under the boy’s eyes, the slight trembling of his lower lip.

Before I could say anything else, the boy turned his head and lowered his eyelashes, hiding anything swimming within them.

17 thoughts on “Unwilling to Be Yours

  1. Quartz: Look on the bright side. Your Damian isn’t dead yet.

    Aren’t you supposed to be in a different universe?

    Quartz: I’m bored. Our new release day is coming up. You’re not spending enough time with the characters of Fairest.

    I’ve been busy with Stealing Myself From Shadows, OK? Partially because I spent a lot of time all ready on edits for *your* story.

    Quartz: Slacker.

    ….characters. Never satisfied. (rueful grin)


  2. “Before I could say anything else, the boy turned his head and lowered his eyelashes, hiding anything swimming within them.” Beautiful description and wording here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It isn’t a spoiler to say the boy is Christopher, the narrator of the last prelude, Waiting for Rebirth. As to the job, well, stay tuned. Answers will coming in future posts. Posts will happen every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Compliments on description always raise my spirits because I’ve had to struggle with that part of my writing. (rueful grin) Dare I to hope I’m getting stronger? (crosses fingers and prays)


    1. Aww, thank you! Being told I’ve succeeded at lovely description always warms my heart. It’s been a struggle to achieve, fighting against an unfortunate tendency to be repetitive. (rueful grin)


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