Waiting for Rebirth

Time again for Rainbow Snippets, when six sentences of GLBTQ+ fiction are posted and shared. They can be your own. They can be someone else’s. They just need to be GLBTQ+.

To read a wide variety of samples from GLBTQ+ stories, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/

For my own snippet, Christopher continues his journey in ‘Waiting for Rebirth’, returning to Damian’s side once more…

If I shared my mornings with the presence, my afternoons were Damian’s.

I shivered under the warm sun, caught between the spell of the changing sky and the intensity of my artist’s concentration. Yes, my artist. By fixing his attention upon me, allowing it to be shaped by his hand, Damian Ashelocke had become mine. I’d claimed his fingers, just as he’d claimed my own.

There wasn’t a doubt in my mind while he worked that I belonged to him. Yet a part of my mind floated free and untethered in the sky.


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